There are 14,000+ FIRST LEGO League teams worldwide! In our FIRST Mid-Atlantic footprint, we have about 700+ teams. Teams spend several months designing, building, programming, and testing their LEGO Challenge robots and Explore displays. Teams attend FLL Challenge competitions (grades 4-8) and FLL Explorer Festivals (grades 1-3) in late November, December, and January. Volunteers run all of these events. Events are usually a day long, and many job opportunities exist. 

As a volunteer, you can take on any number of roles. 

Events With Critical Need of Volunteers

FIRST Mid-Atlantic PA-East FLL Challenge Championship   
FIRST Dashboard Search: PA-East  (Feb. 1-2, 2025) Volunteer 1 or 2 days

PA State FLL Challenge Championship
FIRST Dashboard Search: PA-State  (Feb. 15, 2025)

For questions, contact Frank Larkin, Phone: 215-823-9593, Email: [email protected]

Updated: 1/3/2025

Steps to Become a Volunteer

Create a FIRST Account

FIRST provides a Volunteer Registration Guide to help you navigate its registration system. As mentioned, this system is used worldwide to register volunteers and coaches and to run events. When selecting our events, you look up using...

  • Northern NJ to see all our NJ-North events, including the NJ-North Challenge Championship
  • PA-East to see all our Eastern PA Events, including PA-East Challenge Championship
  • PA-State for the PA-State FLL Challenge Championship (Feb.)
PA Act 153 Clearances (PA Events Only)

Volunteering at an event in PA will require additional clearances from the State of Pennsylvania. These are easy to do and are good for 60 months. These are the same as what you would need if you were a substitute teacher in a school in PA. Please refer to the Youth Protection and Clearances to get that process started. 

Important: Please look at the Flow Chart to know your necessary clearances.

Selecting an Event to Volunteer

If you volunteer for FMA FLL Events, you will look them up in your FIRST dashboard. 

Step 0: Sign into your FIRST dashboard. The guide above explains it all. 

Step 1:  Click the Volunteer Registration Tab,  then Select Event Volunteering

Step 2: Click the Clear Filters button on the right

Step 3: Click the FIRST Programs you want… Explore, or Challenge, or Both

Step 4: Scroll to the bottom of the screen, and under Name, enter these search words to view our regions’ events.   

  • Northern NJ to see all our NJ-North events, including the NJ-North Challenge Championship
  • PA-East to see all our Eastern PA Events, including PA-East Challenge Championship
  • PA-State for the PA-State FLL Challenge Championship (Feb.)

Step 5: Select the event and follow the instructions to select your possible jobs. 

Step 6: If selected, you may need to undergo training on your FIRST dashboard. Eventually, the event’s volunteer coordinator will contact you to get you all set.

As a volunteer, you will receive a volunteer shirt and have access to the volunteer lounge for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Finally, you will receive thanks from all involved.

Questions, contact Frank Larkin, Phone: 215-823-9593, Email: [email protected]

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