Championship Details

Description:The FIRST Mid-Atlantic-FLL Championship is the culmination of this season's efforts to take on the challenge we call FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge RePLAY. The top 48 teams from the PA-East Region will gather to use their skills to tackle simulated real-world problems one more time. Each team is tasked build an autonomous robot to leave the "base" and step into the world of sports. They they also need to design a real world solution to many of the problems facing all of us today. Who knows what a team will create. It is all about the process.

Important Note: This will require a additional team event registration with FMA-FLL.
Organization:FIRST Mid-Atlantic FLL
Teams: FLL: 48   

Global Innovation Award

At this year's FLL Championship event we will be selecting two of the best Innovative Solutions presented as part of the team's project. This is not the entire project just the Innovative Solution. These winners will to be nominated to submit their Innovative Solutions to possibly being selected to attend the Global Innovation Award Conference in Orlando Florida in Jun, 2020. The selection process will follow the GIA Standard Selection Rules set up by FIRST.

Below will describe our process...
(Note: The details may change as we get closer to the Championship Event. Any changes will be updated here.)

  • After the morning judging sessions, the Project Judges will come together to consider the top Innovative Solutions. Remember this is not the entire Project just the Innovative Solution portion of the Project.
    • The Project judges will immediately have a deliberation of how all the proposed Innovative Solutions will rank. These rankings will be used later when deciding the awards.
    • Up to the top 8 of these will then be selected to be re-interviewed by Global Innovation Awards judges. Note: If the Project Judges, after their deliberations, feel that only the top six are worthy to be re-interviewed then only the top six will be re-interviewed.
  • These GIA judges will re-interview each of the top eight (8) teams for 10 minutes to help determine the two (2) that will be nominated by the PA-Southeast Region for the 2019-2020 FLL season.
    • These interviews will happen during the competition phase so teams will be contacted in their pits when to go to the GIA judges’ room. This is a different room than all the other judging was done in. It will be closer to the competition gym to allow for less travel time. Teams will bring only the Innovative Solution part and any supporting materials.
    • The discussion will focus only on the Solution not the entire Project. Teams should be able to describe and answer questions about the Solution only.
    • As with all judging, only the students will be allowed in the GIA Judging room.
  • The two (2) selected Innovative Solutions teams will be announced at the beginning of the Awards Ceremony with each team getting an invitation to submit their Innovative Solution to FIRST.
    • The GIA Judges’ will have no knowledge of what awards any of the nominees will be getting as this nomination only considers the best Innovative Solution at the event.
    • The is NOT considered as a Judged award. It is a recognition and nomination to an additional event.
    • Because no team is allowed to win more than one (1) judged award it MUST be understood that the GIA winner may, but does not have to be, one of the champions, or the programming winner or the robot design winner or the Gracious Professionalism winner or any of the other judged awards.
    • It may also be that the actual winner of the Innovative Solution Award trophy may not be selected as one of the GIA invitees because others, winning other awards, were judged to have better Innovative Solution and they won other awards.
  • After the event, the GIA nominated teams will then have some time to prepare and submit an entry to FIRST describing only their Innovative Solution.
  • If a team is selected by the FIRST GIA review committee, they will invited to travel to Orlando in June to attend the GIA Conference.

You can see all the Global Innovation Award details on the FIRST website.

Championship Team Placement

Below are the teams who have been moved on from their RQTs for this season.
Please let us know immediately if you have any questions.

Go teams!!!!!

As of: Wed. Apr. 08, 2020 05:21:04 AM

Event: FMA-FLL Championship (Sat. Feb. 1, 2020)
Total Team Slots: 48
Registered: 40   Invited: 8

NumberNameOrganizationCity, St.Status
97The Smart CookiesGirl Scouts if Eastern PaMedia, PA
2484VespaOxford Area High SchoolOxford, PA
3003Area 51PACTSPhiladelphia, PAInnovative Solution Award
2nd Place
4403KVMS Robo Hatters - BlackKeith Valley Middle SchoolHorsham, PAStrategy & Innovation Award
2nd Place
5230TOBOR RedHoly Cross Regional Catholic SchoolCollegeville, PAChampion's Award
3rd Place
6309Alternating CurrentEpiscopal AcademyNewtown Square, PA
6394Wolfpack 2Aim AcademyConshohocken, PAInnovative Solution Award
1st Place
6512Red Devils 2Avon Grove Intermediate SchoolWest Grove, PA
8605Tidal WavesLeon McKinzieLansdowne, PA
9892Spartonic BotsCenter for Student Learning CSLevittown, PAPresentation Award
2nd Place
11113KVMS Robo Hatters - WhiteKeith Valley Middle SchoolHorsham, PA
16216Lego VikingsArchbishop Wood High SchoolWarminster, PAInspiration Award
2nd Place
17208Bionic BeastsChester Cmty Cs-East CampusChester, PAPresentation Award
1st Place
17423The SkyscrapersDowningtown Area RoboticsExton, PATeamwork Award
2nd Place
18929NexGen 2.0Neighborhood GroupChester Springs, PAMechanical Design Award
2nd Place
23352Silver WolvesHillendale Elementary SchoolKennett Square, PAChampion's Award
1st Place

Robot Performance
3rd Place
High Score: 430
25859RobostarsFamily/CommunityKennett Square, PA
29337Shazzam 6Family/CommunityGarnet Valley, PAResearch Award
2nd Place

Robot Performance
1st Place
High Score: 485
30936Girls and a BotFamily/CommunitySwarthmore, PAInspiration Award
1st Place

Global Innovation Award
1st Place
31341KVMS Robo Hatters - YellowKeith Valley Middle SchoolHorsham, PAMechanical Design Award
1st Place
31342KVMS Robo Hatters - BlueKeith Valley Middle SchoolHorsham, PA
31553Corpus CreatorsCorpus Christi SchoolLansdale, PAProgramming Award
2nd Place
32383LC Robotics Creative CommunityLansdale Catholic High SchoolNorth Wales, PA
32387LC Robotics Urban LegendsLansdale Catholic High SchoolLansdale, PA
35390PAS Robo-TICKSPenn Alexander SchoolPhiladelphia, PAGracious Professionalism Award
1st Place
36647SGS Blockheads GreenSt Genevieve SchoolFlourtown, PA
38351MastermindsHuaxia Chinese School at Great ValleyWallingford, PA
38448WMS BinnovatorsWissahickon Middle SchoolAmbler, PAGracious Professionalism Award
2nd Place
39547Ramerican AirlinesAlbert M Greenfield Elem SchPhiladelphia, PA
39909Rock'Em Sock'Em RoboticsRussell C Struble Elem SchoolBensalem, PA
39942B.R.I.C.KFamily/CommunityWallingford, PATeamwork Award
1st Place
40203Hot Bot-tatoesFamily/CommunityChester Springs, PAChampion's Award
2nd Place

Global Innovation Award
2nd Place
43308Baldi BulldogsC C a Baldi Middle SchoolPhiladelphia, PA
43987The SpencersJulia R Masterman Mid High SchPhiladelphia, PA
43994Fire-Breathing Rubber DuckiesJulia R Masterman Mid High SchPhiladelphia, PAResearch Award
1st Place
44298ElectroBOTSFamily/CommunityChalfont, PAStrategy & Innovation Award
1st Place
44378Battle BotsFamily/CommunityChalfont, PAProgramming Award
1st Place

Robot Performance
2nd Place
High Score: 435
44412STRIVE BOTSFamily/CommunityDowningtown, PA
44524BMR - C0r3C0d3rsFamily/CommunityWarrington, PA
44527BMR - Sushi SamuraisFamily/CommunityWarrington, PA
44528BMR - Blazing BuildersFamily/CommunityWarrington, PA
44895SkyShaperChadds Ford Elementary SchoolWest Chester, PA
45010Operation InnovationHome SchoolWest Chester, PA
47842Snutgir-Programming ParabotsFamily/CommunityGarnet Valley, PA
48111ArchitechOwen J. Roberts Middle SchoolPottstown, PA
48112QOA Robotics: Lil' ArchitectsQueen of Angels Reg Cath SchWillow Grove, PAJudge Award
for Rising Star
49279Valley Dragon BotsValley Elementary SchoolBensalem, PAJudge Award
for Community Heart
49280Bionic Belmont BulldogsBelmont Hills Elem SchoolBensalem, PA


Qualifier Teams Moving on

In our region we will have 9 Regional Qualifier Tournaments (RQT). Now that we are ready to go, we need to calculate how many teams will qualify to “move on” or be invited to FMA-FLL Championship on Feb. 1, 2020 at Springside Chestnuthill Academy. At each regional it will be a percentage of the teams playing. The percentage is derived taking the following process…

  • Take the total teams at the Championship (48) and divide by the total teams competing (223). 48/223  = .22  Percent move on.
  • Now apply the percent move on against the number of teams at each qualifier. So, if an RQT has 39 teams we take 39 * .22 = 8.58.
  • We add up the resulting count for each RQT and they will add up 48 but, they are all decimal numbers. Since we cannot invite 8.58 teams from an RQT we round up or down manually in each qualifier so the final team counts add up to 48. Typically, we round down if the decimal is <= .5 and up if is > .5.

Event Actual Teams Calc Move on Adj Move On
LaSalle "Skirmish" RQT (Sat. Nov. 30 2019) 9 1.94 2
Franklin Institute RQT (Sat. Dec. 07 2019) 12 2.58 3
AIM Academy RQT (Sat. Dec. 07 2019) 18 3.87 4
Archbishop Wood RQT (Sat. Dec. 07 2019) 24 5.17 5
Penn Alexander RQT (Sat. Jan. 11 2020) 25 5.38 5
Central High RQT (Sat. Dec. 14 2019) 30 6.46 6
Downingtown RQT (Sat. Dec. 14 2019) 30 6.46 6
Hatboro "HatTricks" RQT (Sat. Dec. 14 2019) 36 7.75 8
SCH Academy RQT (Sat. Dec. 07 2019) 39 8.39 9
223 48.00 48
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