Veteran teams have played a significant role in the growth and support of new teams in this region. To reward veteran teams, the MAR board has approved an incentive program for veteran teams. A veteran team responsible for the registration of a rookie team is eligible for a $500 reward, subject to the following provisions:
(1) The new team must complete the requisite registration process and pay its registration fee, which is currently $6,000.
(2) The veteran team must commit to mentor each rookie team for which it claims responsibility, and the rookie team shall confirm receipt of such support before any stipend is paid.
(3) The veteran team will receive a $250 stipend from the Corporation, payable no later than January 15.
(4) The veteran team will receive a second $250 stipend no later than January 15 after receipt of the FIRST rebate, based on the registration and fee payment by the recruited team in the subsequent year to its having rookie status.
The forms for the veteran team and for the rookie team to submit are available for download as PDF forms.