FMA+ Training: Java Basics

In 1665 Sir Issac Newton fled to the country to live because of an outbreak of disease in London. He spent 2 years in isolation. During that time he investigated and wrote his laws of gravity. We are presented with a similar situation now. I am inviting you to become a "Covid-19 Code Warrior". Wouldn't it be great that when we get back to "robots" you can not only work on the mechanical side but also program. I can tell you the challenge is worth it.

This is all self paced. These lessons are designed for anyone. They include code lessons on so you do not need to install anything. There is also a Youtube video for each lesson so it is self guiding.  If you have someone on your team that knows Java they can use these lessons to guide you. We will have weekly Zoom calls to tackle issues you may be having. Your team will need a mentor to be on the call with your team members for your protection. Your mentor will get the information and they will pass it on to you. Please have the a team mentor contact me if your team is interested.

We will start with Java Basics, then in July/August 2020, start with FTC/FRC WPILib code principals. I will introduce to a robot frame work that I have used for many years.  If you have as different framework and are willing to create lessons around it we can host them on this site.

Eventually, next year, my plan is to tackle FLL EV3 programming. I believe we need to create wrapper classes and a robot framework for FLL functionality to make it easier. If you can help let me know. Imagine an older (6th, 7th, or 8th grade) FLL student can learn and use Java and be competition ready for FTC or FRC.

In any case I hope you take on the challenge. I can guarantee it will be worth it.

Frank Larkin
FLL Director, FIRST Mid-Atlantic
e: [email protected]